The importance of search engine optimisation

Your customers are likely to be searching for the products and services that your business offers using the Internet, by means of a search engine (Google, Bing or Yahoo) it is important that your website ranks highly in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

The two most successful ways of achieving high rankings in the SERPs are Organically and by Paid Search Advertising.

Gain customers from Google, Bing and Yahoo

Organic Search

Organically optimising your website so that it appears at the top of the SERPs requires the adoption of a few techniques related to the site structure and most importantly; the creation of authentic, valuable content. The key thing to remember is that search engines are ranking sites highly which have great content which delivers real value to consumers. New websites tend to take a few weeks or months to be properly ranked. Having links to your site from other, relevant websites can boost your ranking.

Paid Search

Google Adwords or Pay-Per-Click (PPC) can be an incredibly effective means for getting your Site to the top of the SERPs instantly. It is a paid-for service which involves tight campaign management in order to deliver fantastic results. Benefits include; increasing brand awareness and driving large volumes of traffic (potential leads) to your website. Structuring and monitoring an effective advertising campaign requires some skill. It is easy to spend large amounts of money for little benefit.